We Are
Little Dragon'sNursery
Nurturing learning and
wellbeing for every nursery
child in our care.
Welcome to Little Dragon’s Nursery
Creating a homely environment for children to flourish in the heart of Stourport on Severn, a Georgian canal town in the Wyre Forest District, North Worcestershire.
We are in an easy location for drop-offs and a place that provides plenty of offsite opportunities for the children.
Our Dragon logo shows that we believe that each child is a world of curiosity and unlimited learning potential. We each have our own unique value and our role as nursery teachers is to find the spark for learning for each child.
Our Dragon has his own drum, and we understand that every child should walk to their own beat. Learning at their own pace, guided by specialist and experienced adults as they tell us what they need to feel safe and nurtured in every aspect of their time with us.
We strive to make a homely atmosphere with a personal connection with everyone in the Little Dragon’s family. From our staff team to parents and carers, we all work together to provide the very best for every child in our care.

Nursery Safeguarding:
Keeping our Children safe
The most important element of keeping our children safe and healthy is the relationships we build together.
Creating secure attachments between our early years practitioners are experienced at listening to the children through their language and behaviour to ensure we know them well and enable them to feel safe and secure.
This is when children learn best; when they are happy and secure.
We have clear routines, which means the children understand the sequence of the day and know what to expect.
All Early Years settings must follow clear rules to protect children. There are many documents that set out how we do this, including the Early Years Foundation Stage which states:
Our responsibility for the children extends beyond what we see in Nursery and our policies and procedures for keeping children safe at Little Dragon’s Nursery are inspected regularly by OfSTED.
We have a designated safeguarding lead who works with outside organisations to ensure multiple levels of security in our checks and procedures and leads the rest of the nursery team to ensure our knowledge is up to date and secure.
Our Nursery Team
As well as understanding the values of the Little Dragon’s team, every new member of staff is checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). This includes an enhanced criminal record and barred list check.
We are dedicated to ensuring all of our staff are continuing their professional development through training and qualifications in order to continue developing their knowledge of how children learn through up-to-date research.
Each member of staff demonstrates they hold the skills and knowledge to enable the children in learning, following the ethos and values of child centered learning that are at the heart of everything we do as a team.
Have a look at our Meet the Team Page to find out more about our staff.

Intent, Implementation, Impact.
The goals of the Little Dragon’s Nursery Team
Aspiration for every child
Clear Intentions for every nursery child
What do we want children in our care to learn during their time with us?
We want our children to learn that they are valued as individuals and to feel empowered as they overcome challenges.
Our curriculum is built around what we intend children to learn, how we will implement this in our everyday practice and how we will measure the impact of this. This includes how we are developing our knowledge of the children. Knowing the children well allows us to develop the children’s skills and knowledge through a continuous learning journey throughout their time with us.
Our approach to teaching and learning rests upon foundations of child centered learning. Listening to the children to be guided by them for each of the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Communication and Language


Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Our curriculum is designed to focused on Communication as the key to all aspects of learning and the principle that learning through play is the most effective tool for enabling young minds to develop.
Our connections with each child allow us to form strong attachments and this provides the safety the children need to feel secure and safe to explore and grow.
As Little Dragon’s Nursery is led by a qualified, experienced Teacher, our approaches are underpinned by theory and research.
Fulfilling our Intentions with monitoring Implementation
What skills and knowledge do we want the children to have gained?
At Little Dragon’s Nursery, we want our children to build their skills and knowledge across the EYFS areas of learning through approaches underpinned by educational theory.
We use continuous provision to implement our key intentions as a team of specialist early years practitioners, valuing this special time of each child’s life to provide them with a strong foundation to build upon for life. This means our resources and activities are designed following the child’s lead. The design of our sessions allows the children to investigate and explore through play, exploration and the skilled used of questioning by the staff team alongside the children’s play. This encourages the children to be creative and to follow their own interests using familiar resources in our homely nursery setting.
Our relationships with the children, as well as our approaches through continuous provision and our curriculum design are monitored through continual assessment through observation. We engage with a cycle of assessment and review and use our professional judgement, expertise and experience to adapt our responses to be lead by the child.
We follow the Every Child a Talker Program (ECAT) to support our key belief in communication being the precursor to all other learning.
The Impact of our Early Years Approach
How are we ambitious for every child?
Our continuous provision approach to early years learning allows us to respond to the children and extend their learning by guiding them to challenge themselves and link to other areas of learning and themes they have been exploring.
We use our ongoing assessments to ensure we are enabling every child to move forwards into their endless learning potential across the EYFS seven areas of learning, ensuring all staff are an effective part of ongoing assessment for every child.
Our knowledge of the Characteristics of Effective Learning allows us to understand how to impact on the development of every child, at every stage we are privileged to see them journey through during their time with us.
Our children develop knowledge and skills across the seven areas of learning from a foundation of communication skills to prepare them for school. We prepare them for the transition to school when it is time for them to leave the Little Dragon’s Family and start the next part of their learning journey in their first school setting.

Stourport-on-Severn Offsite Visit Locations

30 Hours of
Free Childcare
Subject to available spaces, we offer free, Government-funded childcare hours for eligible families.
Subject to available spaces, we offer free, Government-funded childcare hours for eligible families.

Key Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery Documents to Guide Excellent Practice.

Birth to 5 Matters
Within Birth to 5 Matters, children are seen as powerful learners from the moment they are born. They are empowered through the view that they have knowledge and skills which they bring with them to their nursery. The rights of the children are threads running throughout the framework with an emphasis on the importance of the child’s voice, listening to the information they are communicating both verbally and non-verbally.

development matters
The Development Matters document is a top-level view of how children learn. It guides us to develop an effective curriculum for Early Years children. The document begins with the statement “No job is more important that working with children in the Early Years” and we couldn’t agree more.
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